Monday, June 12, 2023

2002 Watermelon Fast: (I don't usually do this anymore because at age 75 I have to be more careful of blood sugar and things like salt intake)

Fructose which the fruit sugar that organic Watermelon contains can affect your blood sugar a lot. So, before you go on a fast like this make sure you can handle doing this. Though it is true that 30 days on watermelon often can prevent you having heart surgery or heart bypass surgery in many cases, many people are to aged to safely do this after 40 or 50 years of age. So, before you attempt to clear all your veins and arteries by a 30 day Watermelon fast please consider your blood sugar levels while all this is going on. HOWEVER, avoiding a heart operation is a pretty good idea if you are healthy enough to do this.

July 2002 Watermelon Fast

I have been on an organic watermelon for almost 2 days now. It reminds me a little of what it felt like to be on a vision quest with no water or food for four days in 1983. My body is loving the time for cleansing. My mental images are mostly good with very few strange ones during the cleansing. I feel the pain drain from my hands as my arteries and veins unclog themselves naturally on watermelon. My father once had a business man go on a 30 day watermelon fast to completely avoid a double heart bypass. This was in the 70's and he was good for at least another ten years without a heart bypass. Ever since then I try to go on a 4 day organic watermelon fast at least once a year.


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