Friday, June 23, 2023

"You forgot to tell him Humans weren't robots?"

In episode 4 of "The Recruit" on NETFLIX you have recounted the kinds of problems that robots could or would have with humans when given autonomy. By not telling the AI robot that humans weren't built like robots (that strong) the robot was doing a mock interrogation with a human employee and pulled the human's arm off.

Sort of like the man who was watching Harry Potter in his Tesla Model S a few years ago where the AI in the Tesla mistook a semi truck crossing a road in front of them as a street sign and the Tesla drove under the Van part of the Semi and took off everything above the hood of the car including the (driver?s) head and upper body.

So, these are the kinds of problems you are going to have with things that move because one small detail often resulting in death of someone isn't programmed in.

For example, AI designed the Underwater vehicle that imploded. This is something to think about too.

So, you miss a detail in programming and people die. It will always be this way.

It's dangerous enough just being a human trying to get through a day here on earth let alone dealing with AI improperly programmed because some detail is left out by mistake in telling AI what is real or important.

After all AI is "ONLY" Mathematical formulas in action. That's all.

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