Monday, June 26, 2023

God Bless all my relatives and friends who have passed away and those who are still alive

I had to face something this week because we went to my wife's 50th anniversary of her high School Graduation to her 50th reunion with her Class mates. 

Whereas I didn't really have as good of an experience in High School as she did because she went to a private school where people were actually taught something and well taken care of. In a private school any child harming others is quickly expelled. This may or may not be true in public Schools around the U.S. and World. This eliminates for the most part bodily harm to children in Private Schools. This does not mean that children in private schools won't be verbally harassed it just means they are unlikely to be killed by another student or physically maimed by another student.  That's all.

So, a private school can actually move people much better towards a successful college education more than a public school can for this and many other reasons.

But, going to one of her 50th class reunion brought back all the pain of not seeing many of my friends from High School too all these years because I chose not to attend ANY reunions for a variety of reasons.

I found myself hitting a wall and saying to myself: "God Bless all my relatives and friends who have passed away and those who are still alive" over and over again with tears in my eyes. Because I finally got in touch with things I had shut away because they were just too painful to deal with ever in my life. But, seeing a whole class of people being kind to one another and helpful and traveling all across the country and through Zoom on a computer from places like Alaska and Australia back to visit their friends here in the U.S.

The point of all this is that for me, I had a major breakthrough in my life in honoring all my friends and relatives I have ever known or will know in this lifetime.

By God's Grace

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