Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Though Elohar and Ragna First Came to me (that I'm actually aware of) in 1969 around Christmas time 1974 was when the 2nd timeline work actually began for me

My wife says the following article is seminal in all my writings in many different ways regarding Elohar, Ragna, Arcane, Jonathan Flow, Celeste Weaver, A Ray IN, The Galactic Sentience, His Oneness Time Lord of Earth, Eridian (also Meridian same being) etc.

 When Shielded Memories Open up: This happened abou...

So, when Elohar and Ragna first visited me in person I was considering taking my own life around Christmas of 1969. I can remember I was crying at the time and thinking suicide was the only way out for me at that point in time. Then they came to me and told me that human extinction was possible if I didn't stay alive.

But, I was very young then so they had to be very simple with me by basically saying that for humans to survive I needed to stay alive.

Though I think now this wasn't actually true it was true enough for them to tell me this to stay alive.

They had Gone to the Galactic Sentience in the Core of the Galaxy (or soul traveled there like I did), I could see Elohar being extremely skilled in Soul travel by the way doing this just like I did. She would have likely gotten an audience with His Holiness the Galactic Sentience (ruler of this Galaxy) and he would have told her to contact me because he had already accepted my request for preventing nuclear holocaust on earth.

However, I at age 21 thought that His Holiness the Galactic Sentience was going to just snap his fingers and it would be done. Ha ha. But, I didn't know he was going to make me really work to prevent human and human civilization not going extinct by creating a 2nd timeline.

By the way there are many timelines here on earth at least 5 I presently know about. However, for some reason this one was important to me, and I sensed it coming in the 1960s and 1970s because I am an intuitive and can sense such things, which is why I soul traveled to the Galactic Core and met with the Leader of the Galaxy to formulate a plan to prevent Global Nuclear Holocaust like which happened on most of the planet the first time the planet hit September 11th 2001. 

So, Elohar and Ragna first had to convince me to stay alive in 1969 and after. Then I had to soul travel to meet my relative who runs the galaxy (this was around 1970 when I went to the center of the Galaxy while I was in college going to Palomar College around 1970 or 1971 then in San Diego County.

Then after I was married with a new born son Elohar and Ragna either visited me or the ship was robotic and they transferred my consciousness maybe to the future while my body was cared for by the time space flying saucer ship that their timeline owned by 7000 AD. Not sure how they obtained this time space saucer but I have some likely ideas.

Then they came back in 1969 to prevent my death which was pivotal because if I had left my body in 1969 possibly the 2nd timeline could not have been created. So, Elohar and Ragna would know being from the future that I needed to be alive in 1970 in order to go visit my relative who runs the galaxy. IF I had left my body it's possible they would not have been allowed to create timeline 2 which you and I now live on.

So, coming from around 7000 AD on the first timeline they knew they had to keep me alive at the very least in order to be allowed to create a 2nd timeline where civilization ended all over the world until around 6000 AD something started to happen more like the history between Jesus and Queen Elizabeth I of England. So, by 6500 AD they had pretty advanced Technology like now because they still had books from our era that had been preserved. So, these technical books showed them how to build cars and helicopters and planes and ships powered by Steam engines and they had electric powered 1 to 3 person helicopters that I write about in some of Elohar's childhood stuff when she meets Saint Germain, (Arcane) in Switzerland in her childhood and he trains her to be one of the most amazing people of her era then.

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