Thursday, June 29, 2023


 I find as I get older it is harder to get into the right state of mind for writing longer things. I think it's a little like love affairs in people's lives. There is a commitment to a love affair that I find similar to writing longer pieces. You really have to love what you are writing about to write longer pieces whether they are fiction or non-fiction or a combination of both.

But, what the combination is called is usually "Historical Fiction" or something like that.

I personally prefer to write from memories of the past, present and future which I didn't believe was actually possible when I first started writing about Arcane in 1980 when I first developed my "Legendary style of writing which included Arcane (Saint Germain) and HIs Oneness (Time Lord of Earth for 40,000 to 70,000 years now) Note: His Oneness is a designation of a time lord of a planet that the Galactic Sentience considers to be a Galactic Satellite planet sort of like a Galactic Park like Yellowstone or Yosemite but a whole planet that is considered to be a Galactic National Park.

But, originally in 1980 I believed I was writing therapeutic Science Fiction. I did not discover until I believed I might be dying in 1998 that this was no the case. At this point I was able to experience my soul as separate from my physical body and because I believed I was returning to my Pure Soul State I was able to do this in preparation for death.

It was at this point in my life where I discovered (as an Intuitive) that what I had actually been writing was about my past, present and future lives as a soul here on earth and throughout this galaxy and beyond.

However, in 1980 I believed in Linear reincarnation which is what I was taught by my parents to believe in as a Christian Mystic growing up. 

However, beginning in 1998 and 1999 I discovered a soul doesn't experience the universe in a linear sense. We only experience this while we are wearing a human body or other type of body somewhere in the Universe. 

The Soul actually does not naturally even live in Time and Space at all but in a state I like to call:


To describe this state to someone living in a human body with time space references might be difficult but let me try:

Imagine that you are at core a Being that is basically immortal. And in this state you are like a many faceted diamond reflecting light in all directions.

Now imagine each reflection of light is an incarnation on this world or another. And then imagine that you can life all lifetimes of any length simultaneously in the same moment of being.

This is the best way I can describe the Soul Species we all are that predates the creation of any galaxy in the universe.

Then our species (by family) each created all the galaxies you see and any new ones that will be born over time.

So, our species basically created time and space as a playground for us to take incarnation in and to feed on energy because it could be said that we live on the conversion of energy from one form to another.

So, for example, a Star or a sun is a place to feed upon energy so a Galaxy is a Farm of Stars created by our species of Souls who created all Galaxies to begin with.

If you can imagine all this then you can become what I call enlightened with the truth and reach a state of peace and equanimity which allows you to understand more fully what is happening to you here on earth.

IF you are a victim then you are a victim of your own creation, so change it!

By God's Grace

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