Monday, June 19, 2023

When Shielded Memories Open up: This happened about a year after September 11th 2001

 This is what really happened in 1974 at Bunny Flats. When I remembered better what happened there I realized I had asked the two beings from 7028 on the first time line here on earth to shield my memories because I couldn't deal with this in 1974. My son had just been born and I needed to raise him right. I have always been a very practical person in my life like my father and I come from a long line of very practical people too going back all the way to 1580 in Switzerland which is as far as I have been able to take it on my father's side. So, I looked at the situation and told them from the future on the 1st timeline that I couldn't deal with remembering all this until I was older.

So, it makes sense they wouldn't release these memories until after September 11th 2001 because on the first timeline this is when 5 billion humans died and civilization ended for all intents and purposes until around 6000 AD on the first timeline.

So, 1974 was one of the times they visited me and another one was 1969 when they insisted I stay alive because I needed to keep the human race from going extinct (which means since they lived after September 11th 2001 that they knew what had already happened on their timeline and now wanted to create something better in a 2nd timeline.

I found this by ACCIDENT? just now and realized I needed to share this with you. I think I originally published this on in 2002 when I had an HTML website there then.

1:01 PM PST

I am putting this online even though I am trying to cope with it myself. These memories have been shielded from me for fairly obvious reasons. Many of you have had similar experiences and have been shielded from the memories as well. Some of you suspect it. However, I am very grateful not to have had the memories come forward until now. It would have been too much for me in my twenties to have to live with this. However, now the memories have come back to me I find I have more alive energy in my life. The fear of what happened all these years was almost worse than what actually did happen.

What I remember before May 22nd 2002 about my experience in June 1974 was seeing the ufo print in the snow and bringing friends up from the little town of Mt. Shasta to witness it. I did not share it with the military at that time because my son had just been born and I did not want to become a military research project. There were no human or snowmobile tracks anywhere near the print which was about 6 to 9 feet deep at its deepest point and about 25 to 30 feet in diameter and circular dish in the snow. It would not have been something that stood out except for the green slime on the upper one foot of it around the circumference that looked like green antifreeze with black pieces of algae in it. Also, in the bottom center of the impression were 3- 3 foot diameter hemispheres set in a triangle like a tripod print of 3 landing hemisphere pads. Now I will begin with what actually happened:

June 1974 finally remembered May 22nd, 2002

My cover memory all these years was walking up from the paved road at Bunny Flats through the snow. However, my actual experience was far different than that. This is all news to me as well as you.

There was a crust on the snow so I could walk in boots without sinking in too deep even though there were drifts of over 10 to 12 feet of snow in some places. The average depth of snow was between 6 and 9 feet.

As I walked up the snow covered Bunny Flats I stood transfixed as I saw a light in the clouds above me. I knew it wasn't the sun because it was moving. At first it looked white but as it grew closer I saw more colors. The predominant ones were blue and turquoise colored lights. They were spinning very quickly around a non spinning disc or ship. It landed with very little sound less than 100 feet from me. The snow flew out in all directions to make a place for the ship in the snow. I walked toward the ship and felt hynotized by it. I had been rendered harmless by the ship. As I walked toward the ship suddenly I was in the ship. However, the ship was not a vessel of any kind I had been in before. It appeared that the ship was not a ship but like a doorway to another world because entering the ship put me somewhere else in time and space on earth or some other planet or dimension. You decide for I'm not completely sure even now "where" I was.

I can only describe what I saw. It was different than any place on earth I have been in the 20th or 21st century. The basic color of the land was green and beige but there was also more purple than I have seen anywhere on earth. The sky was also a light green instead of blue or light blue. It could have been earth in a future or past time or another world or dimension. Next, beings walked up to me that were humanoid. Their skin was paler than mine and whiter, less pink like the nordic type I am. They were shorter than I but most people are as I am 6'4" tall. They seemed very intelligent but sad. It felt like meeting doctors or scientists in their demeanor. They were very much in their minds. They seemed nervous to be near me as if I were an intelligent gorilla or something. They first said, "Will you harm us?" I said in a monotone, "No, I am made harmless by your ship." One of them said, "That is good." They seemed to relax a little at this point.

We are reincarnations of your parents." I said, "I don't know what to do with that information." One of them said, "That will come in time. We are hwere to open the door to your time and world." I said, "Why?" The male said, "We wish to prevent a war. We wish to change time." Again I said, "Why?"

Then they chose to put thoughts, terrible thoughts associated with a war that was past in their minds into my mind. Not being able to filter such thoughts I let out a howl of pain. One of them said, "We're sorry but we are still trying to create useful thought and feeling interfaces. Our race mostly communicates with direct thoughts among friends and family. Speaking is only used with strangers and for business and politics. Since you are considered family we decided to try direct thoughts. We feel ashamed it caused you such pain. I said, "Meeting you both is much more distressing than the thoughts you put into my mind."

The one that appeared to be male said, "We hadn't really considered this possibility. I suppose it is naive of us to have thought it would be a smooth transition for you. We will go back to using words because of your distress. I said,"I would appreciate this because I don't want to have a heart attack and die right here in front of you." The female looked especially distressed at this and said, "We could not allow you to die. If you died we would just bring you back to life." I said, "After what I have seen here already I am quickly coming to believe you actually could bring me back from death if you wished." They both laughed at this. This wasn't pleasant for me as they sounded something like quiet dolphins as they didn't have noses like present day humans they only had nose slits on their faces. At first I thought they were choking or something. Then I realized they were laughing. I tried to politely laugh too even though I was more than a little horrified by all this. But I was brave. What else could I do? I felt the hypnotic hold on my mind weaken.

I felt that their laughter meant they were beginning to trust me more. The dynamics of our encounter began to become more comfortable to us all. The female said with a look of anticipation, "I am a reincarnation of your present mother and Ragna here is a reincarnation of your present father. We have traveled through time and come back to see you." I thought about this. "I'm very happy to see you but WHY have you come back to see me." They seemed confused by my reaction. "Don't you like us?" I said, "It is not about like or dislike. I've just been scared out of my wits and surprised in a way I'm not sure I will ever completely recover from. I'm completely traumatized. You can't expect me to be totally okay after all this. Many of my kind would have fainted or died from this kind of shock. Give me a break! I'm doing very good considering the fact that I was completely unprepared for this encounter in any way.

The two talked in some strange European sounding language. It sounded like German overlaid with French, Italian and Spanish and even English. I though I could make out words like "he" and "s'il te plait". I had studied french in high school and spoke a little spanish but those were the only words I could make out for sure. When I heard them speak their language I said, "You're from the future aren't you?" They seemed surprised by my statement. The female said, "Yes. However, we were conferring about your health both mental and physical." I said, "I would say I'm in a minor state of shock and a little confused by it and a little scared because you obviously messed with my mind and rendered me harmless. They normal way a human in my time would deal with this is to feel intimidated and threatened. However, I'm also a very instinctual and intuitive person and so I can sense what you are about." The male humanoid Ragna said, "And what do you senses tell you?" I said, "That you are telling me the truth but that there is more to all this than you are telling me." He said, "Where do you think you presently are?" I said, "I imagine that I'm in another dimension or time and that you somehow brought my body through the walls of the ship somehow. What is difficult to deal with is that I'm not in a ship but in another, time place or dimension than my home time." Ragna said, "What do you see?" This question made me feel very uncomfortable. It made me think that they were seeing and experiencing something very different than what I was. I felt very scared.

I finally said, "Are we experiencing different things?" His answer was "Yes." It made me feel faint. I started to lose consciousness. He said, "We have made an error. We did not realize how different people of our time were from yours." Looking into his eyes I knew he was lying. I sensed his purpose was to test what I was made of. I said, "Why are you testing me? I thought we were relatives." He burned his eyes into mine and said, "I'm trying to see if I can allow you to remember this encounter or not."

I said, "I have been through a great deal these past few years. The memory of this might destroy me now. Why don't you veil this memory and let it come back when I'm old?" Ragna said, "For such a young man you are very wise." I said, "Thank you, Ragna." I knew at that moment I had gained an ally. We had somehow reached beyond relatives to respect for each other. I then said, "Is my body still in the snow and just imagining this?" Ragna said, "No. You are in the ship in stasis. Your body is warm and being cared for by the ship. However, your mindbody is here with us in the future. Again I felt my senses swooning but somehow I hung in there. I was grateful for my strength of will in keeping it together.

Ragna began again, "It will all be okay. We think we have your biology and mental and emotional interface properly calibrated." I said, "Why is this calibration necessary.?" Ragna looked at me strangely and then said, "It is a way of preserving our contacts. Once we calibrate a contact we can then always bring that contact back to life. They calibration is stored and used to bring wholeness and life back if it is ever taken away by death or insanity. Until that calibration was correct we worried that you might die or mentally fragment before we could calibrate your mind and body interface.

I said, "Well, I'm glad that's over." And I meant it. Ragna smiled a wry smile. Elohar looked a little nervous. She hesitated and then said, "Are you angry with us, Jonathan?" I said, "Not really. I'm just adapting to all this. It will take some time." She then said, "Don't you like us?" I said, "You look and act and sound a lot different than the people of my world era. You also feel fundamentally different to all my senses. I have to pretend this is all like a science fiction movie in order to not faint or disorient from the sensory shock." Elohar smiled. She was beginning to get it. She did remind me a lot of my mother. I was beginning to believe these two were reincarnations of my parents. It made a lot of sense. I put myself in their shoes. Whether they were my parents reincarnated or not it would make good strategic sense to try to convince me that they were my parents come again.

Also, Since no noe would ever believe my story and no one but me now could protect me in this situation I knew I had to go along with the idea that they were reincarnation of my parents whether I fully believed they were my parents come again or not. My very sanity might depend on this level of trust. Ragna and I had already agreed that I must not remember all this for a long time. After all I had to raise my son without becoming an Earth world government guinea pig. It looked like a future earth government was already experimenting with me. Being experimented on by even one world government even if it was from the future might be too much for me to survive.

If we let you see the ship's footprint what will you do with your real life experience of this?" I said, "I won't tell the government as they might interfere with my wife and son and I. I can't let that happen." Ragna said, "We have to tell world governments anyway of your time of our present and future contacts with you. The governments of your times will know as per the 1953 agreements to leave you alone as you are among our primary ancestor breeding stock of the future of earth. To interfere with you in any way would cause a time war. They will know this." I felt very confused at this statement. It seemed very weird for me at the time. My only verbal reaction was, "Am I physically related to both of you?" Elohar said, "Yes. If you don't have all your children and they don't live on to breed and so on and so on we will never be born. Since there are many time wars in the future of earth we have to protect our bloodlines. If there is any interference wars break out through time. This can be very messy to clean up and rectify so time treaties are very important."

I felt a little nauseated. I thought of all the building blocks of time. I thought back to studying cultural anthropology in college and of natural selection and of dynasties. It began to make sense to me. I said, "How far into the future do you live?" For security reasons we cannot tell you now exactly but it is about 7000 AD." I said, "What is the primary religion on earth then?" Ragna looked a little angry and Elohar looked scared. Ragna finally said, "Most religions and science have all blended together with psychology and medicine to form ways of functioning much different than anything you have thought or seen or heard of in your times. The very concept of religion as you now know it is foreign to us. The closest way we can approach it is to say there are still people who search for truth and for meaning to existence. I tend to be more scientific in my approach and Elohar is more psychological and psychic in her approach. We have very different ways we approach the problem of life.

end quote from:

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