CNN  — 

Lake Mead, the nation’s largest reservoir, spent much of last spring and summer in free fall.

Over the course of four months, Mead’s elevation plummeted an astonishing 20 feet, first exposing one of the lake’s huge intake valves in April before revealing more sinister things – multiple sets of human remains, including one police said was the result of a decades-old homicide.

But as news reports focused on the remains, Western state officials and Colorado River experts were watching the falling water level with fear about what it could mean for the 40 million people who rely on the river for drinking water, electricity and crop irrigation.

Lake Mead fell to its lowest level to-date in July 2022, when the elevation sat at 1040 feet. If the reservoir had fallen another 145 feet, it would have become a “dead pool,” unable to provide water or hydroelectric power to millions of customers.

“People were really looking at the real possibility of dead pool,” Sarah Porter, director of the Kyl Center for Water Policy at Arizona State University, told CNN. “That is incredible to think about – no water coming off either of the two reservoirs,” she said, referring to Lake Mead’s upstream neighbor, Lake Powell.

One year later, Mead’s elevation is inching back up. A combination of historic winter snowpack and new federal agreements to pay cities, farmers and tribes to conserve water are expected to raise Mead to a high point of 1,070 feet in February 2024, according to the most recent federal data. That elevation will likely change as more conservation agreements are signed.