Sunday, June 18, 2023

one of the potential side effects of furosemide is hallucinations

 I had wondered the last couple of months at some of the night time hallucinations in the dark as I tried to go to sleep and wondered at the cause. A man told me that one of many potential side effects of furosemide in some people is hallucinations. What I usually did was just to get up and watch TV late at night until they passed to distract myself from mild night time in the dark hallucinations. But, I also makes me want to do something to not take furosemide any more either because I have already experienced mild symptoms of this myself when trying to sleep sometimes at night.

He was telling me about a girlfriend of his that went eventually into senile dementia. He has helped reduce her taking furosemide to the lowest dose possible but because of her senile dementia which is a fatal disease he can't do much more to help her at this point.

People often are prescribed furosemide for congestive heart failure and for edema to reduce water retention in the body. But, it's important to also take potassium cloride because furosemide depletes potassium and your cells will die without enough potassium and so will you if it goes on long enough without potassium cloride every day.

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