Thursday, September 28, 2023

Because my site is a a mixed blogging site with News as well as personal experiences often students: of any age use this site for research

For example, my site has been used ongoing since 2007 so if someone wanted to research what was going on that people were paying attention to of whatever the news, they could theoretically learn a lot about what happened on any year since 2007. On my previous site I was at geocities when September 11th  2001 happened for example. 

Here's a somewhat humorous post from 2001:

8:44pm Monday December 3rd 2001

I just saw a bumper sticker that said "UFO'S ARE REAL- THE GOVERNMENT ISN'T". I thought to myself, "y'know that is a true statement!" 

For example, I wrote this poem in reaction to 9-11-01:

A Poem- From Castles to Cannons

Times have changed
Hopis say swim in the middle of the river
Don't hang onto the banks
Go with the flow
We are all swept away in the new tide
Fighting the changes only brings pain and hurt
Go with the changes
Build a new life from the ashes of the old

A new world paradigm builds
Just as it did in the early 1900's
Everything has changed
And so have we<

I find myself trying to cling onto a past now dead
A past I felt secure in
Nothing feels secure like it once did

I remember how feelings of security crashed during the Cuban Missile Crisis
And when the Kennedys and King died
But it was different than this
And those days are gone
I remember then how insecure we all felt in the 60's
None of us expected to live to be 30
Many young people now may feel the same way
But I say to you truly
You will not die

You will just have to find a way to cope with all the changes
Just as we all did in the 60's
Just as people have had to find ways of coping and going on
Throughout all past times
Things are just different now
They are not over
Just different

end poem:

September 11th was pretty traumatic for people because any aircraft (except Air Force 1 then) would be shot down (of any size) if it took off or flew inside of the United States for a month or 2 because we didn't know if other aircraft would be turned into missiles with people on board then. It reminded me in some ways of the Berlin Wall Falling because it changed the way everyone saw things on earth ever after that.

Another big change on earth was caused by AIDS in the 1980s where "Make Love Not War" ended because of necessity. People not adults or teenagers in the 1980s likely couldn't believe now just how different it was from the time birth control pills became legal in 1960 until the early 1980s when AIDS showed up and killed 30 to 50 million people worldwide.

Now governments are hiding ongoing the real death toll of Covid because from my calculations the number of dead worldwide are about the same as the AIDS death toll from the 1980s.

Are governments right to do this?

Maybe. Most people couldn't really handle the real figures regarding Covid. Also, Covid death figures are ONLY people who were tested for Covid before they died. So, the real number likely will never be known but is likely to be 10 times or more what governments say about it worldwide.


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