Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Young man knows the rules but the old man knows the exceptions": Oliver Wendell Holmes

There is another saying I learned growing up which is also applicable to this but takes a very mature and wise person to properly implement.

This is from Shakespeare: "There is nothing Good or Bad but thinking makes it so."

"I was taught to survive no matter what but to be as kind to everyone around me while still surviving and keeping my family and friends alive." 

I think kindness is the most important thing here. What can you do to survive while still being as kind as possible to those around you?

So, Yes. The Young man knows the rules and the old man knows the exceptions is true.

The problem becomes "When are you wise enough to make use of what you know for the betterment of yourself and everyone around you?"

Because everything that goes around comes around eventually.

This is sometimes known as karma.

So, good karma blesses your life and bad karma might kill you.

Something to think about.

By God's Grace

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