Tuesday, September 26, 2023

what I have done when I thought I was dying. I ask the angels.

       I'm 75 now and I have had many near death experiences starting with a heart virus for 9 months that forced me to retire at age 50. So, unlike a lot of you I have gotten used to facing death a lot since then. The thing is that you have to stay calm and not panic or else you might die. It's the same as any other calamity you might face. You have to be calm and brave to survive these things (And Medicare helps a lot so you don't go bankrupt facing serious conditions.

But, what I do when I think I might be dying is I will ask the angels what's going on and they will usually say: "This is only temporary. You will get better soon. And they have always been right.

But, if I hadn't ask them this I wouldn't have toughed out the bad stretches and be alive today for my children and grandchildren and wife and friends. So, staying alive for your family often makes their lives good enough to stay alive too.

By God's Grace

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