Saturday, September 30, 2023

I found the movie Jules(2023) not funny and more disturbing than anything else

I think the most disturbing aspect for me of this movie is simply how true to life all aspects of this movie were. In other words people are so small minded in this town (all of them) that they cannot recognize the truth even if it hits them in the face. Only Jules and his lady friend are capable of seeing the alien in a useful way. Everyone else is so into their own world that they are oblivious to what is actually going on around them.

The real problem of course is that the U.S. Government has to believe and to make it's people believe that it is always right and that there are no aliens no matter what. 

It would be a lot like pretending that Grizzly bears were not real even if they were eating people daily in a a town. It's not that real UFO Aliens are all universally good in their effects upon mankind, but pretending they don't exist (just like pretending Grizzly bears and Mountain Lions don't sometimes kill people) is one of the many things wrong with this country and you wonder how this government or any government on earth can long survive hiding their heads in the sand like this.

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