Thursday, September 28, 2023

The last video game I was really into was Asteroids in the 1980s

However, my son and his son and many friends of his over the years really like playing video games. This led to my son getting his A Plus certification to build and repair computers when he was about 18 years old. So, since then he likes to build custom built desktop computers for Gaming for himself and relatives and friends. He found that he could order the complete custom parts online without paying for shipping from years ago now and for around 750 dollars he could build a really good gaming computer for himself or family or friends. However, this price was 5 or 10 years ago now and likely the prices have gone up somewhat since then. However, you could if you were interested and have the know how build your own amazing gaming computer by buying the parts online and customizing it to be whatever you wanted it to be.

Note: The most important thing you have to know about is static electricity and how it can fry your computer parts if you are not properly grounded from static electricity while you are building your computer. Since chips are so low voltage, static electricity is often enough to fry components which will make them permanently unusable and you will have to throw them away.

Note 2: It isn't practical for most people to custom build laptop computers because the components are so squeezed into a small area it is almost impossible to build one from scratch alone. However, many people repair their own laptops (they just don't usually build them from scratch). You need the tools and equipment found in a laptop building factory to be very successful at building a laptop from scratch usually.

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