Thursday, November 23, 2023

A useful State of mind for dealing with powerful or supernatural experiences: You must be very calm first of all.

 Note to the reader*** In rereading what I have written that follows Jonathan appears to be somewhat passive. It is important to the reader to note that Jonathan has been regularly having powerful ESP and what he would term supernatural experiences from childhood. By now he is in his late 30’s and has grown accustomed to dealing with amazing experiences. He has learned to remain calm when something powerful happens and to be very focused and observant. What he has learned is that to survive these powerful supernatural experiences one must be very aware and calm, and one must not get too emotional. If the reader understands that the keywords for Jonathan are calm, focused guarded observing then the reader can more easily understand what Jonathan is doing and why his reactions are the way they are. endnote 

I found this note for something I had written and found it very useful for how people often are who are on the path. As you unfold into enlightenment you are going to experience things that are awesome in many different ways.

However, unless you are calm and observant as these things happen you cannot really benefit from them. It's sort of like how children can get very excited at Christmas and things like this. But, as adults we learn that often staying calm (but happy and observant) might be more useful. Likewise, when the most intense things happen (of all kinds) it's really important to be able to stay calm enough to survive whatever is happening.

When I have had real UFO experiences my ability to stay calm in really intense situations is one reason why I'm still alive and in one piece at age 75 now.

Also, in being calm other people won't usually see you as a threat either in really intense situations of all kinds.

By God's Grace 

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