Wednesday, November 29, 2023

If it is Biden Against Trump American Republicans and Democrats would vote in Biden Grudgingly

However, I think if Haley is running against Biden she might win because the country does NOT want Biden or Trump as president Really at this point. Both Trump and Biden are too old.

Biden is too old and Trump is both too old and Crazy in a Hitler Senile Dementia way where millions of people who are against his being president he would kill or maim worldwide.

So, people would vote for Biden as a way not to have our democracy and Constitution ended and destroyed.

But, that isn't what they really want. What they really might want is Haley as the next President the way things presently are.

So, Trump Cannot Win but Haley might.

In the end the American people (most of them) are not Stupid and know Trump is too crazy and Fascist like Hitler to ever be president again. But, Haley could win if she runs against Biden I believe.

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