Friday, November 24, 2023

When I first found my writing voice in 1980:

I first found it on a beautiful Early summer day in 1980 in Mt. Shasta. The weather was 70 or 80 degrees and the sun was out and I could see clearly the Amazing Mountain, Mt. Shasta looking up from my lawn in front of my house then there in the little city of Mt. Shasta.

However, it is important to note that this style was completely designed by me to heal myself of traumas of my youth and young adulthood because I had studied to be a psychologist and realized how I could heal my Mind from the traumas of youth in my life.

So, I did. But, what is also important is I was NOT trying to write to entertain others I was completely going for a way to heal myself at that time. The very last thing on my mind would have been to think about publishing anything I wrote. 

However, in 1998 and 1999 for around 7 to 9 months I believed I was dying and as I prepared for my death I had a realization which was that what I had thought I was doing wasn't at all the complete thing I was doing.

I realized (because I never would have believed this before) that our Souls do not live in time and space (even though they can when they wear physical human bodies and likely other physical forms too here or on other planets or dimensions.

In this realization I saw that a Soul is like a many faceted diamond where it is beyond time and space and yet can reflect itself into time and space. If you have ever looked at a many faceted diamond with light on it you can see each surface reflecting light in a different direction. You might even see each facet reflected on the wall or even on your face or another's face. So, what I realized is a soul doesn't live in time and space but can when it wants to in a physical body like we wear. Then I also realized a soul is beyond time and space most of the time just like Angels are too even though angels can see always the past, present and somewhat the future is too in that they see what tests are coming for us and might try to help us survive  if we ask for their help.

So, understanding that I originally found my voice not writing to entertain people but rather than to heal myself. 

Over time I realized that my writings tend to not only heal me but also others as well. Then in 1998 and 1999 I discovered I'm writing about past, present and future lifetimes of myself and others which made me realize how important publishing these writings of mine might be for mankind in understanding how the Galaxy works and how the Galactic Government and some governments on earth travel time to keep the peace almost everywhere they can.

So, in reading what I write you begin to understand better what is really going on in the galaxy (at least as far as my past, present and future lifetimes have shown me at present.

By God's Grace

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