Friday, November 24, 2023

At the time of Atlantis it had a space station above Venus

 Note: Don't ask me how they dealt with how bright the sun was. It's also possible at that time the sun was less bright and hot than it is now too. not sure. end note.

Begin partial quote from Chapter 6 and 7 of "Memories"

Atlantis had a space station above Venus that looked like a huge golden orb. It was constructed in this way to mirror the sun. It is important to understand that our scientists and our priests were one in the same. The mistakes made by joining church and state and scientists and priests have been rectified for the most part in the United States and most of the rest of the world. Nations and their peoples tend to learn from their past mistakes and experiences. This is one reason why accurate historical records are so important. Only with an accurate history can people learn from their ancestor’s mistakes. Sometimes the things nations hide from their children are the very things that will prevent the extinction of all life on a planet. By hiding the truth from our children, we are doomed to repeat our mistakes, both individually and en masse. 


Inside the golden orb we met many priest- scientists. Some of these were female and five of these were particularly beautiful. Arjuna introduced me to them. These five priestesses treated me like a little brother. They and Arjuna became my closest new family. 


Since these five priestesses were celibate and of the Oracle class, they did not feel threatened by me as I was not yet an adult. They felt both sisterly and maternal toward me. I thought to myself,” This is going to be better than my wildest expectations.” These ladies were so beautiful that they seemed like living goddesses to me. When I heard they were coming aboard the Lord fire with us on our mission I was euphoric for many reasons. I was looking forward to being trained by the priestesses in the priest scientists Oracle skills. These five priestesses were in the same class of beings that eventually became known as Greek gods and goddesses. Their names would be translated into English as Cassiopeia, Violet Rose, Summer Sun, Blue Lightning and my personal favorite, Fire Crystal.

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