Thursday, November 30, 2023

Do I actually believe the Galactic Time Guard really exists?

 Yes. Presently I do. The Galactic Time Guard assisted in Creating the 2nd Timeline we all live on right now. Otherwise, we might still be existing (those of us still alive) on the 1st timeline where civilization ended for 4000 years starting on September 11th 2001 when Doomsday weapons worldwide were accidentally set loose by someone who lost their nerve after the planes went into the World Trade Center. Once one country let loose their doomsday weapons then all countries automatically set loose their doomsday weapons and civilization ended. You see there are nuclear Doomsday weapons, Chemical Doomsday weapons, Biological Doomsday weapons etc.

And once this was done within the first month around 5 billion people were dead and civilization and cities and farming was over. So, anyone who survived that had to become a hunter gatherer because food couldn't be grown anymore because of biological warfare affecting food plants that grew. However, this didn't affect wilder plants so deer and other animals could still eat and some humans could still hunt for food around the world. Otherwise everyone died then within the first year after 9-11-01.

So, among other people, we have the Galactic Time Guard to thank for the 2nd timeline where civilization didn't end beginning on September 11th 2001.

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