Monday, November 20, 2023

If Arcane is a future lifetime of mine lived in the future how does that work?

There are many questions I cannot answer because no one has told me the answers. However, I do know some things and I had a question today that even though it's not necessary for me to know the answer now I might like to understand it better if God permits that.

For example, here is my question: "If Arcane becomes immortal as Saint Germain then what happens to me because I'm one of his incarnations?"

I think I might answer this best with what I know about the Dalai Lama and his incarnations. When he passes each time he remembers his previous lifetimes to some degree and so he is able to recognize as a child his prayer instruments of being the previous Dalai Lama.

This might not answer completely my question but I find comfort in this.

Also, I have a feeling that what a soul is is much more than what humans presently believe.

As humans we are locked in time and space in the way we generally perceive reality and trying to live in time and space is extremely limited because we are only limited to one moment at a time.

Even though it's true that every moment is "Eternal" in the sight of God, still there is much more to being a Soul than what any of us as humans knows right now.

We should rejoice in what we do know because that enlightens us but at the same time be open to further enlightenment at each and every point during our present lifetime.

One of my teachers once said to me: "If an ant is your Guru Feed him".

One of my favorite ways to look at enlightenment is through the eyes of a Christian mystic like I was raised to be by my parents.

It goes like this: "God is everywhere and there is nowhere that God is not"

Therefore if I meditate on "God is Here" especially when I go to sleep at night then I always sleep all night in the arms of God and wake up each morning more fully enlightened in God's eyes.

By God's Grace

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