Monday, November 20, 2023

From October or November to around April or May can be the best weather of the year. Why?

There is a weather condition that happens around the SF Bay Area around the coast that we used to call "The June Glooms" which just means that our 2nd winter is in June because of High and low Fog off the ocean along the coast of the ocean. So, now because of global Climate changes often the high and low fog can now begin in April and last until September or October a lot. So, when this weather condition off the Pacific Ocean changes usually in October or November now we often get sunny weather from October to April or May (depending upon the year). So, like for example, because there is no storm hitting us our weather is nice and going to 68 degrees today and 71 tomorrow along the coast. However, because it's winter coming on now the night can be colder. For example, we have had temperatures down to 46 to 48 degrees at night during the last week too. So, right now there is a 25 degree difference between night and daytime temperatures on average which tends to be greater in the winter than the rest of the year. 

Further South from about Santa Barbara and further down the coast they have been having Santa Ana Winds which are up to 60 miles per hour and these winds in other years would likely be starting fires if it was drier than it presently is. So, we are lucky that things like Hurricane Hilary hit in July or August and that we had some rain recently so that should dampen any serious fires so Fire Departments can keep whatever fires there are small enough not to be a serious problem.

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