Thursday, November 30, 2023

The Way the world actually works is much more like Men in Black Movies than most people think


How many people could deal with Men in Black Scenarios? Very few. Just like very few people could be Army Rangers or Navy Seals for the same reason.

You have to have nerves of steel to deal with stuff like this and most people are not equipped for this kind of thing. And even people equiped for this kind of thing often get various types of PTSD.

So, just like the police and Firemen and first responders try to protect the public from bad things, Aliens who are Galactic Criminals who come to earth are equally or more scary than anyone here to begin with.

So, Men in Black movies are actually to be studied carefully simply because this is the way things actually are here on earth which is why I share what I do in some of my writings.

It is not to scare people but more to prepare them for what is actually going on all the time here on earth.

IF you are going to encounter an alligator or grizzly bear wouldn't you like first to actually know that they exist?

Otherwise, if you don't know what you are dealing with you MAY not survive what you are facing.

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