Sunday, November 26, 2023

Writing my own personal Healing Bible

This is not to lessen the Value of the Old and New Testaments or any other holy books by the way.

However, in the process of trying to become a psychologist I also learned many techniques for healing myself in regard to childhood and teenage and young adult traumas.

So, when I set out to write and found my voice at around age 32 for writing "A personal Healing Bible" that still heals me every time I read parts of what I wrote I think anyone who can should do something like this to make their lives better and more whole.

I started out in my late teens because I took piano lessons from age 8 to age 16 which started me off in good ways and helped me to not become violent as a young man. I came home sometimes after being offended by people at school and played my music and it calmed me down and prevented me from harming others who had harmed me verbally or otherwise. This to some degree is how all this started.

Unlike some of you I did not go to a Private School where people are expelled who are criminals but instead a public school where people not entirely sane also attended. And these Unsane people were the hardest ones to deal with who likely should have been aborted as children rather than to be so tortured by their parents that they became a danger to everyone they knew at that time in the 1950s.

Of course, Legal Abortions were not allowed in the U.S. before the early 1970s so many insane tortured people tortured or killed others a lot because they had been tortured by their parents, burned with cigarettes and tortured in different ways both physically and psychologically and emotionally and spiritually. 

So, in trying to survive these people learning to play music was important so that neither they nor I wound up dead because I was tall for my age and by 18 I was 6 foot 3 and by 22 I was almost 6 foot 5 inches tall. So, I had no trouble defending myself because I was also very strong and coordinated too. I used to pick up my 1965 and later my 1966 VW Bug from the front bumper and lift it off the ground and move it around so I could get unstuck from mud or snow or rain puddles when I was 18 years old on in college and after too. So, I could lift with my legs (not with my back) over 1000 pounds then so I was a force to be reckoned with if I needed to be.

So, trying to keep other offensive people alive was very hard for me sometimes who were crazy and difficult and many might not have survived to 20 years of age. However, by age 18 I went to college and many of them went to Jail or the Viet Nam War as soldiers and we all know how all that turned out for many young men.

I wrote music a lot from about age 18 to 37 when my father passed away but i realized that I couldn't deal with my emotions very well after my father passed away so writing and healing myself through my writing voice was very useful beginning when I was 32 and continuing to the present. I played Piano, keyboards, organs and I have even played a pipe organ with all the pedals and stops in a church in Santa Fe, New Mexico with my music teacher.

So, music and playing a piano or organ or both in Church was something I did regularly from age 12 to 21 when I left my childhood church because I was too progressive and 1960s for them. They were very conservative and didn't want me to evolve or change to someone better like I wanted to.

So, I left and that was very difficult for me to survive but I did.

So, at age 32 I was ready to develop a style of writing that helped heal many of the traumas both medical and physical as well as psychological and spiritual and religious in my life.

And I have succeeded in many ways in healing myself on all levels by learning to write in this newer healing style developed from studying psychology and religion and spirituality and Anthropology and even computer Science in college over the years.

So, combining my own personal relationship with God and Life and the Universe and what I studied in psychology trying to become a psychologist all combined has helped me heal the medical and everyday traumas of my life that I have survived since I was a child all the way from whooping cough to a concussion with seizures to difficult people in school to survive up through high school to leaving my childhood religion because I was too progressive at the time for the more conservative people in my church.

So, healing all that By God's Grace has been a lot to try to accomplish. However, I have mostly succeeded in this by writing "MY Own PERSONAL HEALING BIBLE" That God has helped me write personally since I was 32 years old and living in Mt. Shasta then with my family.

By God's Grace

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