Tuesday, May 21, 2024


When I first started intuitivefred888 in the Fall of 2007 I didn't really care how many people were reading what I was writing simply because I felt I was doing God's Work by sharing what God wanted me to share about everything. 

Then around 2011 The earthquake and tsunami happened in Japan and 30,000 people died and I began looking at my statistics page. I realized I could likely help people around the world feel better about the radiation leak from the 3 meltdowns at Fukushima including one of them reprocessing weapons grade plutonium with a half life of 25,000 years flowing into the oceans there and will be for 25,000 to 50,000 years ongoing through the water tables washing radiation into the ocean. There is no permanent fix for this and likely never will be.

So, I began writing articles about Crowd Sourcing with Geiger counters that people could use to test their own Air, and water, and food and ground. IN this way they could better understand what they were dealing with. So, people understood the value of Crowdsourcing online and publishing their Geiger counter results. By spearheading this idea with many others my readership grew in leaps and bounds because of this. So, by 2013 I had this experience:


Then by 2017 I was getting over 100,000 visits a month or about 1,200,000 visits and many more every year.

Then one of my medicines went sideways and I had to take care of myself more and I went to Portland to heal from a medicine going sideways but I was able to stay out of the hospital because my son has a bachelor of Science from a CSU in Southern California in Nursing. So, he watched over me for a month while my wife and two biological daughters went to England and Scotland and Ireland. So, I missed that trip which was also awful for me and my family too. However, I wanted them to enjoy this trip even though I was too sick to go at that time.

Recently one month my readership was around I believe 170,000 views. So now, since my health is better ongoing I am better able to publish things that people want to read more and more once again.

If you are a blogger if you are sincere and honest with both yourself and the people you write for people tend to eventually flock to your sites if you have something to say that helps them stay alive to face another day or makes them feel better about their lives.

I started in my teens writing Music and lyrics on Piano and Guitar which helped me move towards writing more prose starting in 1980 when i found my writing voice in writing about Arcane (Saint Germain). So, writing music and lyrics often can prepare you for many interesting things in life and sometimes just writing lyrics and music you change the world in positive ways too.

Whether it is through writing like I do or writing music and lyrics like I did more in the past or doing art or even performance art or whatever helps you and others survive their lives better it is important that you help inspire and help to survive those around you as well as yourself.

You would be amazed once you start down this path how satisfying it can be for you and the people you know and love along the way.

The most important thing in all of this is: "Be True to yourself" "Then you cannot be false to any man or woman".

By God's Grace 

NOTE: What I'm saying here is that the full readership of my site since 2007 is around 20 million or more visits to my site because the counters kept going back to zero over and over again since then. Hopefully they have fixed the counters so they don't end at this point so the actual readership of people here at blogger.com can be recognized at least by the bloggers here at these sites.

By God's Grace


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