Tuesday, May 21, 2024

If we are thoughts in the mind of God

 How can any of God's thoughts ever be limited?

My path "Because the Angels visited me and healed me at age 2 from whooping cough" has been a path of Soul Travel because I wanted to "travel with the Angels always" from that experience with them as a 2 year old. This became the PRIMARY goal of my life after I "Met" and was "Healed" by the Angels.

When the angels gave me Soul Travel as a gift so I would survive my 20s to age 30 and beyond then it was possible for me to attain the realization fully  that we ALL are literally thoughts in the Mind of God and the whole universe is a part of the mind of God.

This is an actual experience that I experience every day now since I was about 30 years old when I first attained this realization.

So, once again: "If we are thoughts in the Mind of God how can God's Thoughts ever be limited in ANY WAY?"

You are right.

 They cannot be limited.

Understanding this is everything in your relationship with God and the entire Universe!

By God's Grace

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