Friday, June 14, 2024

From Hugs to Guillotines? Trump's people seem to want to kill everyone who doesn't think exactly like them

 But, Guillotines?

If you study history the guillotine was invented by people who were starving to death and blamed the rich aristocracy in France. The famous quote was supposed to be from Marie Antoinette of "Let them eat Cake!" which I believe was disproved or else she was pretty out of touch with what it was really like to be starving to death in France then. So, she and her husband Louis XVI were both guillotined face up to freak them out more. 

Is this really what Trump's people want?

Also, think about this. IN todays culture the ones who would be guillotined would be Trump, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and the head of Facebook and people like this by today's poor.

So, I think their insistence on Guillotining democrats or anyone else they don't like is pretty Crazy considering what guillotines were first invented for actually by the starving poor in France.

Because if the poor got a hold of Guillotines TRump  would be one of the first people they would guillotine today. This is the reality of the situation for all Billionaires!

Be Careful what you wish for! It might have unintended consequences just like saying "Lock her UP!" did regarding Hillary Clinton. Because right now at least the most likely person to be "Locked up!" is Trump himself. And this is what TRump was saying when he ran against HIllary in 2016 "Lock Her Up!"

He led the Trumpers then in chants against her. And now look what's happened instead.

What Goes around comes around. Otherwise known as Karma.

What you do to others always comes back upon yourself. Trumpers need to know this just as much as Democrats and Independents.

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