Sunday, June 2, 2024

The heat got me some today

 I was at the Ladybird Johnson (ex-president's wife's) Wildflower exibit here in the Austin Area and suddenly realized it was too hot and humid for me at my age of 76 and being from a much drier California weather. So, I called my wife and daughter and sat down on a shaded bench. Then I walked over to a restaurant there at the park that had air conditioning and ordered a Lemonade to cool off in the air conditioning.

I remember being a child when there was no air conditioning at all most places except for fancy big department stores like that, and we would be in 110 degrees in Los Angeles or 115 degrees in Arizona or New Mexico and you would have a headache for the next few days or so or throw up from the heat then in the 1950s.

However, this time I didn't pass out or throw up because I caught it in time. If you don't know your body and what it can do and what it can survive often you might wind up in the hospital on days like this or hotter where it is incredibly humid and hot even for here in Austin this week.

I had my wife and daughter drive me back to the hotel room to rest and recover. So, it's really important this summer to know what you can and cannot survive heat wise before your brain goes from the heat and then you die if no one is there to care for you wherever you are.

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