Friday, March 10, 2017

Most new inventions of the last 50 years can be used to help mankind or extinct it

For example, when people like Steven Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Bill Gates starting doing their thing at early 20 somethings they saw an opportunity to have fun and make money at the same time. They were enamored with the Tech revolution brought about by things like GUI (Graphic User Interface) or now called a Mouse. They were interested in playing games and impressing their friends with what now could be done with microchips, Guis(mouses) and programming using at first CPM which Bill Gates converted to MSDOS and eventually turned into Windows then Windows 95 and so on.

But, even evolution brought new dangers and new ways to help mankind. For example, even the smallest drones likely wouldn't have been invented even now without the development of both microchips and things like Youtube. Each innovation leads to another innovation and then to another and another and another in quick succession.

But, everything that helps us can also kill us. Look at robotics and drones or even more personal to most of mankind:

Self Driving Cars, Trucks and Planes.

So, you don't need drivers, you don't need pilots.

So, basically the worst of this is at present that everyone who drives for a living likely won't be (or their children) within about 25 years.

So, the point of all this is:

Russia is killing us now with things mostly invented right here in the U.S. and then often modified or enhanced in places like China, Japan, Korea, Europe or wherever.

This likely is going to get worse for a variety of reasons.

My biggest question at present is:


I really don't know the answer to this question. It is possible likely to have a fake democracy but a real democracy where people have rights and freedoms still and not just a fake one where we believe we have rights and freedoms but don't really might be where we are headed or worse:

A place where we know we could be killed by drones or robots or self driving cars or trucks programmed (or hacked) to run us over or (if we are riding in those self driving cars just self locking the doors and driving us over a cliff.

All these problems are real problems if you know anything about computer programming at all.

At present there is no way to permanently prevent anything I'm talking about from happening more than once unless it is to throw away all computers, all technology, and all self driving cars, trucks, planes and ships.

So, get ready for a Brave New World where we don't know what the fuck is happening even more than now!

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