Friday, March 10, 2017

Drones and self Driving Cars, Trucks, planes and ships will kill millions in the future

If we build them and use them this is inevitable because of hackers hacking into systems and causing mayhem and death around the world.

Do most people understand this like I do?

I'm not sure people get this is the future if we go self driving anything that can be hacked.

Just remember any software can be hacked. It doesn't matter what anyone says.

The only limitation is "How Bad do you want to hack it?" and "How much time and energy and money are you willing to spend doing it?"

For the same reason there are no uncrackable safes on earth.

The above limitations are the only limitations to millions of dying from drones, and Self driving cars trucks, planes and ships around the world.

So, since most people don't know how software and programming works millions are likely to die who don't understand they will die. And businesses who make all these devices have no real vested interest to tell them they are going to die before it happens.

Because then the businesses can all say: "Oh! It was Hackers who did this so we are not liable!"

And likely legally this would hold up in court.

So, because of all this millions will die like flies around the world the rest of this century from drones and all other self driving technology wherever it is on vehicles anywhere on earth.

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