Wednesday, March 22, 2017

I will try to remember to include the date of each daily top ten

Looking at my top 10 articles read at the top of the page there is more than one "Top ten in the last day" so I realized I need to put the date of that top ten in the last 24 hours cycle. I try to only do one of these every day even though during the day as people read them it would be a slightly different grouping every few hours as more and more people read different articles. In my statistics pages it is quite easy for me at some point (usually between about 10am and 6 pm PDT now to give you the top ten that people are reading in the previous 24 hours from whatever time I give them to you.

However, it might also be important to remember that this is a filtering device but that the people reading these articles might have slightly different interests than you do. So, this is why looking at all the titles might give you more what you are looking for specifically.

Another way is to go to the two search windows at intuitivefred888 which cover ALL articles ever written on any subject here at this site. If you are careful in choosing filtering words as your search words you might also find things compiled or written several years back on whatever subject you are interested in.

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