Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Neurotoxins and Cell phone signals are causing 40% of world's pollinators to go extinct

The Neurotoxins in Pesticides used for farming, combined with herbicides combined with Cell phone signals are causing 40% of the world's pollinators to go extinct.

Bumble Bees, Honeybees, Butterflies in all 40% of all invertebrate pollinator species now face extinction in the U.S. and worldwide.

About 75% of the world's food supply depends at least partly upon what they do.

This above is all from the CBS Evening News march 22nd 2017 on TV this evening.

However, I'm adding the part about Neurotoxins and Cell phone signals because likely news broadcasters might be sued by the makers of neurotoxin pesticides or cell phone makers if they said this in the news even though it is true.

So, neurotoxins and cell phone signals might be driving many of mankind extinct too because if there are no pollinators for growing your food then you starve and then die. It also causes food that is grown to become more and more and more expensive so people who are poor will either have to steal food or be given it for free or they will starve and die too.

So, the extinction or even potential extinction of pollinators also causes the potential or actual extinction of the poor people worldwide as a natural consequence.

If you are methodical and logical and pragmatic you can see the logic and common sense in action here.

In other words:

Less Pollinators=less people alive on earth

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