Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Paranoia causes Technological surveillance and Surveillance causes more paranoia

This is the vicious cycle that could cause eventually the end of the human race this century or after.

So, I'm thinking at some point people are either going to have to completely give up microchips completely or they might go extinct at some point from this very vicious cycle.


Paranioa causing Technological Surveilllance and that very technological surveillance causing paranoia in people who weren't paranoid before. This increases until either the human race goes hive, they go extinct, or they stop using microchips completely.

This is a totally logical premise by the way.

OF course knowing humans beings after having been alive 68 almost 69 years already there will be pockets of all sorts of people worldwide by how they want to live. However, there will be groups that watch and observe them too even when they think they have privacy. They don't.

So, in the end someone will build likely an EMP device that destroys all microchips on earth at once or in stages and that person might set this off about once a year worldwide so no microchips would or could ever be built again.

This has happened before on earth in previous civilizations by the way since humanoids have been visiting this place from places like Mars and Maldek (now the asteroid belt) at least 65 million years already.

I'm not saying everyone stayed here that long. Some stayed some left some colonies went extinct etc. during those 65 million years. And likely humanoids visited here since earth first was created too because I believe humanoids have been in the galaxy a long long time and this is likely one of over millions of planetary humanoid colonies in existence still.

I think looking at Earth like we now look at an island in the Pacific would be how intergalactic Humanoids might see Earth in this context.

We would seem very quaint and backward and relatively uneducated sort of like Stone age people with smartphones.

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