Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Right now! 21,126.02: How can the stock market be going up and people be dying?

This is a good question. First, why IS the stock market going up? Because the EPA no longer exists for all intents and purposes. So, the stock market is going up because there is now no one to stop companies in the U.S. from doing any stupid thing they want to. So, this means they can make more money even though people are dying because of it.

Also, the only ones benefiting from the stock market hitting now 21,126.02 are upper middle Class to rich so when Trump talks about how many more trillion dollars the Stock Market is worth since he was elected in November just remember it is only helping the rich worldwide while it is simultaneously killing the poor.

Something doesn't come from nothing and this raise in the stock market is no exception. Am I happy for all the upper middle Class to rich people around the world who own stocks? Of course.

But, there is always a price to be paid by the poor who can't hire people to take care of them when they get poisoned and get bad food from companies who no longer give a shit about them nationwide or worldwide. Because other countries follow the example often of the U.S. even in bad ways like now.

So, who benefits? The rich and upper middle Class worldwide. Who dies? The lower middle Class and poor worldwide. This is the reality of Trump worldwide.

But, just like in all things there are many many ways to look at this. For example, a rich man might say: "This is birth control for the poor worldwide. So,we can get a supreme court justice in there to stop all abortions while we are killing the poor in this nation and worldwide.

And this may be what is actually happening now in the U.S.

Also, this will kill people because it will also cause bad air, bad water, bad food in the U.S. and around the world and increase Global Warming and climate change by up to 10 times. So, this will kill people too.

So, get ready to tie up your boat on the continent of Antarctica and in Siberia if you are rich enough!
Because soon there won't be any ice or permafrost there to bother you!

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