Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Fox in the Hen House?

The Fox in the Hen House likely is not Trump.


I woke up realizing this this morning.

I don't think it is money blackmailing Trump and those around him in his Administration.

It is the threat of Death to all members of their family from PUTIN!

This became clear during the night.

Would you be worried about OBAMA killing your family?

Would you be worried if Putin told you, "TRUMP you become president or I'll kill your whole family!"

And what if many in Trump's Administration have been threatened in this way?

Also, this would make complete sense because of the way PUTIN operates.

Look at how many people from Russia Putin has had killed in various ways already.

The only Nation head on earth more like this would be Kim Jong Un who recently had his brother killed with VX Nerve Gas on a washcloth by two Vietnamese women, one who held his arms behind his back while the other put the VX wash cloth over his face. He was dead within 15 minutes.

The only reason we haven't suspected this before is this is what Drug Lords and War Lords do.

However, I'm thinking this is Putin's way too.  10 million or more Sunni Syrian Refugees are caused by Putin's stance too which has upset the balance of the whole world.

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