Friday, September 29, 2017

Becoming "Of One Taste" with all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the ten directions and the three times

This appears to be the goal of every Tibetan Buddhist on earth. It might also be the goal of most Buddhists on earth but I'm not really sure about this anymore. The way it was put to me around 1980 to 1983 was like this.

"Let's say enlightenment was rowing a boat from Japan or Asia to the U.S. or Hawaii. So, someone sets out rowing and might get there. However, this method (in the title) is like everyone going together on a Boeing 747 and is there in one lifetime. This is how I was taught by Tibetan Buddhist Lamas."

And this is also my experience too. So, becoming of one taste with all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the ten directions and three times literally means:

"Becoming of one taste with Jesus and all his saints, Buddha and all his saints and all good and kind beings who ever lived or who will ever live in our physical universe."

This is very very very powerful beyond anything I have ever experienced before and it is real. I can now attest to this fully.

So, it is as easy for me to say now I am of one taste with all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the whole universe in the past, present and future and so are you if you believe you are right now and forever.

It's all in how you perceive reality.

The Tibetan Lamas once told me. Everyone is already enlightened. They just have to realize it.

It is like pulling back a curtain at a theater and everything is revealed.

By God's Grace

If you are of one taste with all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the ten directions and the three times you are also of one taste with Maitreya Buddha who is the coming Buddha.

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