Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Viewing Trump as a manifestation of Shiva the Destroyer

I was going to sleep last night and talking to both angels and Saint Germain. When I mentioned to him about writing this he said, "Get up and write!"

So, here I am.

This is an interesting way to look at Trump as a manifestation of Shiva the Destroyer.

Those of you not familiar with Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, they are the Holy Trinity of Brahmanism and Hinduism much like in Christianity the Trinity is Father son and Holy Spirit (or father, son and Mother) or in Buddhism it is Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.

However, here we are exploring Shiva as a part of the Brahman and Hindu Trinity.

And they way they are spoken of is Brahma is the Creator God, Vishnu is the preserver or maintainer God and Shiva is the destroyer God.

A good way to illustrate this would be: "The inbreath- Brahma, holding the breath- Vishnu, Breathing out-Shiva.

When you breathe each breath you kill around 25,000 to 35,000 organisms by the way so by the time you breathe out, you breathe out all these dead organisms your breathing has killed. (This is a scientific Fact by the way). These are organisms that live in the air everywhere there is air.

So, if you view Trump as a manifestation of Shiva then you see him as the death of the world order since World War II.

On one level it couldn't stay the way it was forever because the world is changing. It is a completely different place than it was in 1930, 1940 or even 1950, even though it resembles more 1950 than 1930 or 1940 at present (unless you believe it is 1941 and another world war is going to begin).

But, how can you have another world war without destroying the whole planet?
Doesn't seem possible does it? Because if you bring nukes in the whole world might be gone with in 24 to 48 or 72 hours time they way things presently are here on earth.

So, if Trump is a manifestation of Shiva the destroyer is this the end of earth?
Or is this just the death of our democratic institutions or is this the death of the United Nations?

It's kind of hard to say. But, anyway you look at it there has never been a president like Trump before so almost anything could happen now because of the military power he wields. And because most people don't consider him sane almost anything can and will happen at this point.

So, it is presently questionable whether anything on earth will survive Trump at this point.

So, I suggest you pray to God and to Shiva if you are so inclined to ask God what is coming next?

By God's Grace

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