Saturday, June 10, 2023

Because time and space are not ultimately real intrinsicly wherever your mind and emotions go there you actually are

Many people do not get this but it's one of the reasons why Catholics for example say that lusting after someone (especially if they are already married or something like that) is a sin. I don't fully look at it that way. However, I do believe people have the right not to be harmed by your thoughts (as long as they are not harming you in some way to begin with.

One way to look at this is people telling lies about you convicted of Libel because they physically or monetarily harmed your life.

So, the point I'm making here is that your thoughts and feelings are actually more real than your physical body is in actuality because you are not a body but a Soul traveling around in the body you were born into.

People who understand this are potentially extremely powerful in a good or bad way but usually in both ways because of the true nature of what people as souls are like living inside the vehicle (like a car or truck or motorcycle or plane) that the physical body actually is.

People who believe that they are ONLY their physical body are like vulnerable children to everyone who actually understands how things really are in the universe.

The universe isn't physical and it is more like a heaven realm or just a realm with good and bad things happening in it.

To believe you are ONLY a physical body and nothing more is very very dangerous to one's long term survival in many different ways both as a soul and the survival of the physical body too. 

The way I deal with all this is to realize that time and space and galaxies and the physical universe are actually thoughts inside the mind of God.

This is what I learned from my first 10 years of soul travel around this galaxy. However, each person must discover things like this for themselves as a scientific fact. my first 10 years were between 1970 and 1980.

I used to think I needed to struggle from point A to Point B soul traveling UNTIL I realized we all are thoughts in the mind of God (so to speak). What I'm saying here is you likely don't have to believe in Either God or Buddha to understand this as a scientist. But, this is a fact of life I have discovered.

People who die young often haven't understood this element of human existence as souls driving around in physical bodies on earth and beyond.

By God's Grace

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