My mother had come into what they called "The I AM Activity" which is basically what God said to Moses when he gave him the 10 commandments cut into stone (by Lasers?). Technologically at least this would be how you might want to carve the 10 commandments into stone that might be easier than other ways. Moses said something like: "What is your name God?" And God is purported to have said to Moses "I AM that I AM" but the problem I have with this is I'm not even sure which language God said this to Moses in. Was it Egyptian or Hebrew (because Moses spoke both being an Exiled Prince of Egypt). And how did they eventually get it to the King James version as "I AM that I AM" in English. Did it actually translate that way?
So, this is what I was taught from birth until I was 21 years old. My parents were in Charge of the Los Angeles "I AM" Sanctuary often known as the Hope Street "I AM Sanctuary because it actually was and is on Hope Street in Los Angeles. They were put in charge of this Sanctuary in 1954 when I was 6 and stayed in charge until I was 12 in 1960 when my mother's father passed away and she sort of had a minor nervous breakdown from his passing. I understand this quite well too, because when my father passed away in 1985 it took me about 13 years to get over his passing and only when I almost died myself at 50 was a able to do this effectively.
I simply was able to be grateful for every moment I had left alive (rather than be worried about dying like a lot of people do). I was somehow able to just be grateful for every moment I have left because I was forced to retire then or I would have died.
However, retiring was one of the best things that ever happened to me because I started writing more and traveling more and spending more time with my family and friends and so I would have to say that the last 25 years have been some of the best years of my life since I retired.
This religion I was born into is very unusual especially for being born in 1948. IF you look at the religions that sprang up in the 1950s and early 1960s like "The Summit Lighthouse" that had similar beliefs or other "New Age" religions you can find many similarities to the Saint Germain Foundation. However, each of them in some ways is very unique and it's own thing completely too.
However, as a child I would be bored sitting in church waiting for my parents up on the alter area of the church giving services and so I learned to pour my love to Saint Germain and Jesus and then they began speaking with me and telling me how to live my life so it would be a good life. As I did what they said my life became better and better over time. By the time I was 15 years old I asked God to come live inside my body with me so I wouldn't die of concussion caused Seizures that I sometimes experienced from age 10 to 15 years of age. When God came into my body and has lived with me ever since my appearance changed at 15 a lot and I became sort of a different person than I was before.
By God's Grace
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