Each inhabited planet usually has a Time Lord usually called "A Oneness" because they share their consciousness with the Galactic Sentience, the present ruler of the galaxy. This also signifies a Galactic Satellite planet which would be a little like the 50 states of the U.S. in this sense only there are likely millions (or more satellite planets in this Galaxy) so there literally likely are millions of Onenesses (one for each inhabited planet) in this galaxy.
So, what I'm really trying to do is to introduce people of earth to how the Galactic Government operates. One reason there isn't war between planets generally is that the Galactic Sentience alters timelines to prevent this. This way order without war is usually maintained by altering timelines by the Galactic Government.
Likewise, nuclear wars are also prevented now since Hiroshima and Nagasaki possibly forever by the Galactic Government also at least here on earth.
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