Sunday, November 12, 2023

Writing as Self Counseling

 By writing your feelings and experiences and your dreams in various forms you begin to understand yourself better. As you begin to understand how complex you are as a being and how you process information better and as you study (almost anything in college) or in life since you can find out about almost anything online if you want to now, you begin to not only understand yourself better but others as well.

However, there have always been crazy people to one degree or another. In some cases this comes from traumas and it could also come from other things as well. So, learning to be "on the lookout" for dangerous people is how we all survive our lives. 

For example, I chose my first two wives likely partly out of an ignorance of what their problems really were. I was too. young to understand. 

For example, in my 20s I revered people who were Sincere.

However, then in my 30s I found out that Sincere misguided people are some of the most dangerous people you will ever meet in life. Why?

Because you want to believe their sincerity. However, if they are lying to themselves they are  bound to get you into trouble too if you listen to them.

So, discernment isn't something that comes either to most people in life. And if you marry the wrong person (for the long haul) in your life that relationship is bound to end sooner or later. This is the problem most everyone faces over time in any relationship.

So, the best way to say this is: "Most people marry for the wrong reasons and out of basic ignorance" which is almost why "Arranged marriages by parents in some ways might be better than the mistakes young people tend to make in relationships through their inexperience and ignorance.

However, given all this I was a father at age 26 and I found being a father was the most useful thing that ever happened to me as an adult because it forced me to grow up enough to take care of my son and to raise him to adulthood.

So, self counseling can save you a whole lot of money as you read what you have written 1 day, 1 month, or one year or many years later. By, understanding better who you are and were at different points in your life you begin to understand yourself better and to become wiser in your choices ongoing.

This is why if you can get a child to 30 often they will live to 90 still here in the U.S.

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