Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Another Sunny Day on the NORCAL coast

 What has been strange lately is that even though there is sun it is relatively cold. Like even though the sun is out it is only going to be 62 degrees. So, when you look outside at the sun you expect from looking outside that it should be warmer than it is but recently I went out to wash our three vehicles and wore a bathing suit and T-shirt and realized I was freezing once I got a little water on me from washing our vehicles. So, in this I find it kind of strange for it to be sunny yet cold at the same time. I'm really glad the Post fire is getting under control now near Gorman. I was getting really worried at the direction of the 70 per hour gusts and worried it was going to burn all the way to the ocean. However, it's possible it will be able to be put out now that the winds have died down a little which is good. So, as long as they don't miss any embers moving underground through root systems likely this could be the end of this this week. And because this is mostly a weed fire like wild oats and thistle and stuff like this possibly they can get it out and have it stay out. But, also there are new fires almost every day in the western United States like in New Mexico for example. We are lucky to have such a good fire fighting system in California. Not all states have as many resources as California. However, other states often can call on our Great Firefighters to help them too which is also good in Fire Emergencies.

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