Saturday, June 1, 2024

Do you want to go through life as a slave to others?

 Being an employee is being a slave and many people understand this a lot. Recently last fall I was telling my son in law that working on a salary was basically slavery. But, he went on salary anyway. Was he wrong? I don't really judge that because he is going to do what he is going to do and is a very well educated exceptional person to begin with.

However, I think by the time I was 21 years old I was ready to retire already simply because I had been working part time since I was 10 years old. and the main thing I knew is that I was tired of being taken advantage of both financially and by them stealing all my time that I wanted to be doing something else.

So, my point of view by age 21 was that I wanted to be my own boss and start my own business or businesses which I eventually did by around 28 or 30. This was much better. This isn't something I could make work by 21 or 22 because you have to be able to wear enough hats to pull off a successful business and even then likely you might have a couple of failures before you succeed at any business to begin with.

But, as my father would say (who was an Electrical Contractor and owned his own business) "Be a Captain of your own ship and a master of your own destiny."

So, basically it's like this: "Are you going to choose to be a slave for life or a "Captain of your own Ship and a Master of your own destiny."

I always knew nothing else was going to keep me alive other than being a "captain of my own ship and a master of my own destiny."

However, there was another factor which was that: "My father was an Electrical Contractor, my Grandfather was an Electrical Contractor, and my uncle (my father's brother) was also an electrical Contractor and then my Cousin started his own law practice and brought on several partners and is still doing this at age 81.

So, unless you can make a stand and be eventually (A Captain of your own ship and a master of your own destiny" by owning your own business then likely you will be a slave the rest of your life working for someone else instead.

This is the reality everyone on earth faces ongoing as an adult.

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