Thursday, June 20, 2024

I just heard on the news that the draft might be reinstituted in the U.S. in drafting all young men and young women

 I think that our government has tried to put this off as long as they could. But now since war with Russia or China could spill over into Europe and the U.S. and Hawaii it might be necessary (our military thinks) that a new draft drafting all young men and women between the ages of 18 and 26 once again.

Drafting women should really upset a lot of people because drafting men 18 to 25 for Viet Nam killed around 50,000 boys my age in Viet Nam with countless others (millions) maimed for life from PTSD and physical war wounds as well. I still see homeless Viet Nam Vets on the streets in their 70s now.

So, if you draft women along with men just expect women homeless 50 years from now still out on the streets too with PTSD as well as men if they are fighting and sometimes dying overseas in some war or proxy war like the Viet Nam war or the Korean War once again. However, since the late 1970s we have eliminated the draft but now they are thinking of reinstating it once again.

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