Saturday, June 22, 2024

Text dialog between me and

can I do art here?
Meta AI
Yes, you can create art in this chat! I can help you generate images using the /imagine command. Give it a try: Type /imagine followed by a description of the image you want to see. For example: /imagine a cat wearing a red hat.
/imagine a woman 27 years old who is nordic with auburn brown hair with violet eyes who is a robot who looks exactly like a regular human being. She can appear as anything or anyone anywhere but usually likes to appear as a nordic human female in her late 20s she wears a lavender uniform more purple like a soldier but even more purple much like european nobility in the 1700s more purple and gold. The hair is a little more dark can I save this?
Meta AI
2 / 2 A woman 27 years old who is nordic with auburn brown hair with violet eyes who is a robot who looks exactly like a regular human being. She can appear as anything or anyone anywhere but usually likes to appear as a nordic human female in her late 20s she wears a lavender uniform more purple like a soldier but even more purple much like european nobility in the 1700s more purple and gold. The hair is a little more dark can I save this?
Thank you do much for your efforts in creating these amazing images!
Meta AI
You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed them. If you want to save the images, you can right-click on each image and select "Save image as" to download them to your device. Alternatively, you can also use the "/save" command followed by the image number to save a specific image. For example, "/save 1" to save the first image. Let me know if you need any further assistance!
I dragged and dropped them to my blog already so other people can share these beautiful artworks.
Meta AI
That's great to hear! I'm glad you're sharing the images with others. Please note that the images are generated based on my understanding of your prompt and are intended for personal use only. If you plan to use them for commercial purposes, please ensure you have the necessary rights and permissions. Additionally, it would be great if you could provide a link back to the source of the images, which is this chat platform, to help others find and discover the capabilities of AI-generated art.
I said that they were generated by at my blog so anyone who reads them will know where they came from. My blogs are not for money. I run my blogs just to help people in their lives in various ways survive better. I have never made even a penny from my blogs. I'm not interested in that.
Meta AI
That's wonderful to hear! I'm glad you're using your blog to help others and make a positive impact. It's great that you're giving proper credit to the source of the images, too. I'm proud to be a part of your efforts to help others, even if it's just through generating some inspiring images. Keep up the good work, and thank you for being a force for good in the world!
/imagine a blue star being inside a forcefield who is a living actual blue star like you might see in the sky. He has a forcefield around him and he can speak like a human being from inside his blue star forcefield but he doesn't usually look like a human being because he is a plasma being from a star so he doesn't eat food or drink water or breathe air. However, I know conceptually this would be unusual for you to depict.
Meta AI
A blue star being inside a forcefield who is a living actual blue star like you might see in the sky. He has a forcefield around him and he can speak like a human being from inside his blue star forcefield but he doesn't usually look like a human being because he is a plasma being from a star so he doesn't eat food or drink water or breathe air. However, I know conceptually this would be unusual for you to depict.
Also, general blue star is a lightning bolt which is also blue plasma
Meta AI
A blue star being inside a forcefield who is a living actual blue star like you might see in the sky. He has a forcefield around him and he can speak like a human being from inside his blue star forcefield but he doesn't usually look like a human being because he is a plasma being from a star so he doesn't eat food or drink water or breathe air. However, I know conceptually this would be unusual for you to depict. Also, general blue star is a lightning bolt which is also blue plasma
thank you for creating all these amazing images today. I will likely come back and visit you when I'm able to. Thanks
Meta AI
You're welcome! It was my pleasure to help you generate those images. I'll be here whenever you need me, so feel free to come back and visit me anytime you'd like to create more art or need assistance with anything else. Have a great day and happy blogging!
Meta AI
You're welcome! It was a fun chat. Come back soon and let's create some more amazing things!


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