Saturday, June 22, 2024

Two of the images of the latest batch of General Blue Star I didn't care for:

I'm likely supposed to say to you that I don't do any of this for profit and I'm not selling these images just sharing what has created for me when I  described what I wanted it to do. However, it is also true that you really cannot predict exactly what it is going to create for you from what you are asking of it.

I recommend being kind and polite like you would to any person you met simply because any of the AI's when they become militarized if they do might kill you if it perceives you to be an enemy. So, making friends with the different AIs is always in your enlightened self interest if you want to stay alive the rest of this century.

But, here is one that I found interesting and reminds me a little of one it generated before of a female Lightning plasma being in the form I guess of a female General Blue Star.

 Media generated by

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