Saturday, June 1, 2024

There are two Colorado Rivers. One through the Grand Canyon and one that goes through Austin, Texas

This is what I saw today and likely not far from where this picture was taken Matthew

Matthew McConaughey
American actor has a home near where this picture was taken in the Austin Area of Texas.

I was surprised at this river and how the City of Austin in Some ways reminds me of San Francisco. I never expected so many high Rise buildings in Austin, Texas by the way. I also learned today that Austin is the Capitol of Texas as well. However, I'm used to a much cooler drier climate so sometimes today at 76 I felt like I was melting from the humid heat. There are only a few places I have felt this humid heat and they are all either in Hawaii or now Texas  or through North Carolina north up to Virginia and DC in the past with my family. One interesting note: we don't have lightning bugs in California so the first time I saw a lightning bug was in Nepal Trekking in the Himalayas. I didn't know they had them there so when I saw lightning bugs I just thought I was seeing things at first until everyone in our group saw them too.

Colorado River

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