Monday, June 17, 2024

There is heartbreak and then there is a practical Way to survive it

 Heartbreak literally kills many people. From 21 to 25 it nearly killed me too when I left my childhood religion and two or more of the girls I was in love with. I was too "Disney" in my approach to love then to realize a person can be in love with multiple girls. I didn't understand this at the time and it literally tore me about almost to the point of suicide not understanding this.

However, then in my mid 20s I realized that there are probably 100 women that I could spend my life with and have children with and be pretty happy anyway.

This in itself was a revelation for me because I wouldn't have understood this fully before about age 25.

As time went on I slowly discovered that the most important things in a relationship (at least for me) were Friendship, Loyalty, Sexual Compatibility and wanting to live in the same place or places.

Because if you can't agree where you are going to live it just isn't ever going to happen is it?

So, the practicality of Love is that it is friendship, Loyalty, trust and economic security and the ability to raise kids together if you want to that is actually important and the extremes of love and romance are all okay in some Disney movie but in real life people don't survive those sorts of things usually.

So, in the end it all comes down to friendship, Loyalty and being practical in all ways including financially.

This is the really harsh truth of life in a nutshell regarding deep relationships with a spouse or lover.

So, it really doesn't matter who you are going to be in love with the rest of your life. What matters is can you survive that love whether you are with them or not.

This is the real secret of not dying in life from Heartbreak.

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