Friday, June 14, 2024

Though I was raised on Dynamic Prayer what I observed was actually more powerful and useful

What I observed is that all these people (hundreds or thousands together would do all these dynamic decrees (prayers) for things to happen asking God and Angels to do things. However, as I watched all this I realized that it was much more powerful to unify with God and experience whatever you and God agreed upon as already manifest.

Of course maybe you had to be there to understand this more fully but I basically learned by watching people give dynamic prayers how to directly co-create with God which I have found to be thousands of times more powerful than what they were doing at the time. I suppose the best thing for them was that they were all together decreeing for a better world and this might be the most useful way that they felt as a family or church in changing the world.

However, personally, since my relationship with God has always been very personal and very much a two way communication with God and Angels 24 hours a day my point of view was somewhat different than this. So, what I took from this was that I could fuse with God and see what I wanted manifest directly and if God agreed with me that I wouldn't die and what I wanted would manifest.

HOWEVER, when I did this all the time my life became way to scary for me because though it's true what I wanted would manifest all the time I couldn't deal with how many changes this brought into my life of where I lived, who I was living with, what my car looked like, where I went and all that.

So, finally, I found this way so overwhelming I needed to find another way.

So, I found it! which is that I only do this sort of thing all the time during emergencies where you have to be in new places with new people and new situations to survive at all.

This I found was much more effective and that I could psychologically survive this better ongoing.

By God's Grace

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