Friday, June 14, 2024

This is basically what I was taught from birth until I left the organization at age 21

begin partial quote from:


According to the group's teachings, ascended masters are believed to be individuals who have left the reincarnation cycle of re-embodiment. The "I AM" Activity calls itself Christian; Jesus is considered one of the more important ascended masters.[25]

Ballard's teachings included significant nationalistic and authoritarian elements. According to Ballard's teachings, the faithful's rituals would allow the United States to lead the world into a new golden age of civilization, and St. Germain inspired the American Declaration of Independence.[7]

The movement teaches that the omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent creator God ('I AM' – Exodus 3:14) is in all of us as a spark from the Divine Flame, and that we can experience this presence, love, power and light – and its power of the Violet Consuming Flame of Divine Love – through quiet contemplation and by repeating 'affirmations' and 'decrees'. By affirming something one desires, one may cause it to happen.[6]

The group teaches that the "Mighty I AM Presence" is God existing in and as each person's higher self, and that a light known as the "violet flame" is generated by the "I AM Presence." That "flame" may surround each person who calls forth the action of the holy spirit for expressions of mercy or forgiveness. The group believes that, by tapping into these internalized powers in accordance with the teachings of the ascended masters, one can use one's relationship to the "presence" to amplify the expressions of virtue such as justice, peace, harmony, and love; to displace or abate the expression of evil (i.e., the relative absence of good) in the world; and to minimize personal difficulties in one's life.[26]

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