Friday, June 14, 2024

What do Mary Baker Eddy and Christian Science have in common with Unity, Church of Religious Science and the "I AM" Activity(Saint Germain Foundation)?

 The biggest thing that they all have in common is positive thinking. However, I'm not as familiar with Unity Church in this because I haven't had much experience other than when friends played music for one of the local Unity Churches where I live. However, my mother like to go to the Church of Religious Science in Hollywood sometimes on Sundays and listen to Reverent Hornaday who preached there. She liked how he thought and what he had to say. So, I went there many times. Also, my Aunt often went to this church with us too and her Husband after being a lead in dectective movies int he 1950s and in The Ten Commandments with Charleston Heston in the early 1950s became a Science of Mind or Church of Religious Science Minister to the STars in a large theater in Hollywood during the 1960s so I saw him in action then too then as a child and young adult until I went to the "I AM" School in Santa Fe, new Mexico for my senior year in High School STarting in October of 1965 when I was 17 years old.

So, Christian Science, Unity and Church of Religious Science and Science of Mind all have many things in common. Then Theosophy and Christian Science Combined has a lot to do with the thinking of the "I AM" Activity since the 1930s when it started. Then Mrs. Ballard continued the "I AM" activity after Mr. Ballard passed on in Los Feliz area of Los Angeles in 1939 near the Griffith Observatory then. My father was in Tahiti on a chartered Yacht with his first wife and my uncle his brother when my father was around 24 years old in 1939. So, when he returned in 1941 just before Pearl Harbor to the United States Mr. Ballard had already passed on. However, my mother met Mr. Ballard when she was 16 years old in Seattle when her father who was a Christian Minister took his daughter to meet him in 1936 and she became active in the Seattle, Washington "I AM" Sanctuary or Temple from 1936 and traveled to "I AM" conferences as far away as Los Angeles and Santa Fe and Mt. Shasta. My parents met and married in 1946 in the Seattle "I AM" group and my father's first wife was a good friend of my mothers. So, when my father's first wife left and moved to Florida eventually my parents got together and got married in 1946 and then I came along in 1948.

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