Friday, June 14, 2024

When I look back at my life it makes a lot more sense to me if I view it in a historical sense of all these religions

So, when I see the Connections between Christian Science, Unity, Church of Religious Science and the "I AM" Activity that I was raised in I find it helpful in understanding the history of all these religions dating back to Emerson and Thoreau in many ways and to Mary Baker Eddy, Emma Curtis Hopkins, Madame Blavatsky and others. In this way it is sort of a way to better understand what happened to me growing up.

At the time I was growing up I wasn't allowed to tell people much about my religion because most people were VERY Christian even in Los Angeles at that time and things like being a vegetarian, Not wearing red and Black, Believing in Reincarnation wasn't acceptable to most Christians then.

So, when people asked me what religion I was I would usually tell them: "My religion is similar to Christian Science". However, I had no real idea what that meant as a child. It was just a way to get people to talk about something else and not delve too deeply into my religion. Because it wasn't until the late 1960s that these kinds of religions started popping up all over especially the Summit Lighthouse (Church Universal and Triumphant) which was very popular with College Graduates like Lawyers and other people with bachelor's degrees or master's degrees or PHds in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s especially.

But, it is also important to understand that both the "I AM" Activity (Saint Germain Foundation) And Summit Lighthouse (Church Universal and Triumphant) were both cults. By the time I left the Saint Germain Foundation at age 21 I didn't leave Saint Germain or the Ascended Masters like Jesus at all in fact my relationship them grew and grew. 

But, I realized religious organizations of all kinds including my own were mainly about money and scaring people into giving them money and not really about Angels and God to begin with because of this.

When I realized all religions on earth were like this I was sort of horrified to find this out.

However, at this point studying the history of all these interrelated religions and New Thought I find quite helpful in understanding better where I came from and all the thousands of people I met in the "I AM" Activity from all over the world.

It was amazing to meet so many interesting people but also I see how leaving the organization saved me so much grief in life too. So, I'm grateful for meeting all the amazing people and I'm also grateful I left when I did so I could better survive my life (because many did not survive these cults) either mentally or physically or both.

I think religions tend to cause more deaths around the world per year than anything else I can think of.

However, paradoxically they also pacify people and often prevent wars as well.

So, I see religions as both a pacifying influence as well as the bane of human existence both at the same time.

We live in this amazing paradox that not everyone survives as well as I have.


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